On 25 April, during the most sacred feast of Palm Sunday, our Very Reverend Abbot, Father Ieronymos, together with Fathers Paisios and Joseph, attended a special luncheon hosted by the Greek Orthodox Parish and Community of the Resurrection, Kogarah, NSW.
The luncheon was organised by the Very Rev. Father Kyriakos Michael (former abbot of the Holy Monastery), the Rev. Father Dimitrios Papaikonomou, and the Parish Philoptohos to raise money for our building works. The day consisted in a wonderful, three course meal, exciting lucky draws, and a brief reflection by Father Ieronymos on his experiences as Abbot.
The Very Rev. Abbot took the opportunity to highlight how moved he and the brotherhood have been by the warm reception of the wider Orthodox community of NSW since arriving last year. Father Ieronymos also wholeheartedly thanked Father Kyriakos for the tremendous support that he has been offering the Monastery, and the wonderful legacy that he has left behind in terms of both physical and spiritual works. The Abbot also expressed his gratitude towards the volunteers who worked so hard for the event’s success and the many generous donors, noting the palpable joy felt in the venue.
We kindly underscore again our heartfelt thanks to the Greek Orthodox Parish and Community of the Resurrection for raising approximately $30,000 for the maintenance and renewal of the Monastery. May the faithful have every blessing from our Lord.
Photos courtesy of the Philoptohos of the Parish of the Resurrection.